Welcome to the Next Hotels Loyalty Program Membership

Discover a world of exclusive benefits and exceptional experiences with our meticulously designed membership tiers
Upon accumulating 7 nights of stay at our hotel, you'll attain the Gold level
15% discount on accommodations
15% discount on all hotel services
Free water, tea and coffee
Free car parking
2 level
After accumulating another 14 nights, (min 21 in total), you'll enjoy a generous benefits of loyalty ptogram:
20% discount on accommodations
20% discount on all hotel services
Free water, tea and coffee
Free car parking
Complimentary bottle of wine upon arrival
3 level
Attain the distinguished Diamond level by extending your stay for an additional 21 nights, (min 63 in total)
25% discount on accommodations
25% discount on all hotel services
Free water, tea and coffee
Free car parking
Complimentary bottle of wine upon arrival
4 level
This entry-level tier is the perfect starting point for your journey, which includes the following benefits :
10% discount on accommodations
10% discount on all hotel services
Free water, tea and coffee
1 level
Complimentary early check-in and late Check-out

Level Up Rules

As soon as you register on our official website, you'll be granted the Silver level. Your membership journey continues by accumulating nights—for every 7, 21 and 63 nights spent with us, you'll ascend to the next level, unlocking enhanced benefits and more rewarding experiences.
Experience the allure of our Hotel Loyalty Program Membership and relish the privileges that await you. From Silver to Diamond level, each tier is designed to make your stay with us truly exceptional. Join now and let your journey begin.
Your unwavering loyalty truly deserves the best! We eagerly await the opportunity to provide you with an exceptionally remarkable and memorable stay.
NextHotels Team
Everything is arranged
very simply
For every 7, 21 and 63 nights spent with us, you move to the next level, discovering the benefits for a better holiday.
To get a discount on a future booking and membership benefits, log in to the guest's personal account using the same method as the initial registration. For instance, if registration occurred through Gmail, use Gmail again for subsequent logins.
Discounts on lodging are exclusively offered when booking directly through the hotel's website:

Everything is arranged
very simply
For every 7, 21 and 63 nights spent with us, you move to the next level, discovering the benefits for a better holiday.
Credits for bookings will be visible in the guest's personal account and on the card list 5 days after check-out.
Everything is arranged
very simply
For every 7, 21 and 63 nights spent with us, you move to the next level, discovering the benefits for a better holiday.
By opting to join the loyalty program and creating a profile on the hotel's website, the participant grants permission to the program organizer to gather, organize, amass, retain, revise, adjust, utilize, and perform other activities related to program fulfillment throughout its duration.
Everything is arranged
very simply
For every 7, 21 and 63 nights spent with us, you move to the next level, discovering the benefits for a better holiday.
In the event of a breach of hotel accommodation or program participation regulations by the participant, the card might be revoked. The guest will receive notification from a reception or booking department staff member, explaining the reasons for the cancellation verbally or via email.
Everything is arranged
very simply
For every 7, 21 and 63 nights spent with us, you move to the next level, discovering the benefits for a better holiday.
Become a member of NEXT Hotels Loyalty Program
Discover exclusive benefits to enhance your holiday
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